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No. 31 (Feb-27-2011)

Pregnancy is a course of rebirth for every woman as she comes a full circle of life at this point. She is giving birth to a new body and soul. Teen pregnancy especially needs the right guidance. The kind of life and diet you lead defines the health and life of your baby during the pregnancy period. Whom To Contact During Teen Pregnancy? Constant pre-natal care from your doctor, nutrition experts and clinic as well as family and friends is one of the basic things to be followed. Drinking and smoking should be avoided at all costs as it causes irreparable damage to the little one inside. Drugs prescribed by the doctor are the only ones to be taken. A balanced and nutritional diet should be top priority. Teenage pregnancies are always laden with the risks of going back to drugs, smoking; as a result the babies develop immature organs/systems, even retardation in many cases and the most dominant, early death during infancy. Correct Nutrition and Medication during Teen Pregnancy: Since, a teenager’s body is still growing, it is necessary to eat the right amount of pregnancy diet that is essential for you as well as your baby. Correct composition of vitamins and minerals are required mainly in case of a teen pregnancy. It is normal to gain 25-30 pounds during pregnancy and the minimum intake of calories per day should be no less than 300.Gaining weight is much more important if you want to breastfeed the child. Never skip meals and avoid junk food as much as possible as the have very little or no nutrient value at all. If you cannot afford nutritious food, inform your health care providers and ask them for advice and they will enroll you into the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program. LOVE AND CARE MOST REQUIRED TO DEAL WITH TEEN PREGNANCY: The prevalence of teenage pregnancy is the highest in the U.S and most of such pregnancies end up in premature deliveries or abortions. Most of them are unintended. No strenuous exercises should be done during this period, but a brisk walk for 15-20 minutes or a game of basketball would be fine. The main cause of teenage pregnancy is the lack of knowledge and awareness. Every parent should discuss the pros and cons of having teenage pregnancies. School education has led to a 10% decrease in teenage pregnancy. Even though it is good to see this, we should understand that a teenage mother-to-be needs extra support and care, as they are incapable of handling the stress of teenage pregnancy. As they are not educated enough, many teenagers do not understand the problem associated with teenage pregnancy and smoking/drinking and intake of drugs. Therefore, all they require during this hard time is to get the unconditional and unending support and advice of their gynecologist and family as well as loved ones. Therefore, teenage pregnancy can be done away with proper communication and education about it, but until that time all the teenage pregnancies and the teenage mothers need to be handled with all the care and love possible. The information provided in this article is not intended to substitute medical information and guidance. Please consult your pregnancy doctor or health care provider for more information or before following any treatment, activity or exercise mentioned herein.

For additional information see Facts for Families:
#62 Talking to Your Kids About Sex
#4 The Depressed Child
#5 Child Abuse: The Hidden Bruises
#15 The Adopted Child
#66 Helping Teenagers with Stress, and
#30 Children and AIDS.
See also: Your Child (1998 Harper Collins)/Your Adolescent (1999 Harper Collins).

Teenage pregnancy or teen pregnancy is a sensitive issue and require special care and handling. This is primarily because the body and mind of a teenaged girl is not matured enough to undergo the rigors and stresses of pregnancy period. Teen pregnancy could be harmful not only for the health of the mother but also of the baby. Teenage pregnancy could be avoided by providing proper education and creating awareness about the same. Pregnancy Types provides more information on this subject and other issues related to pregnancy such as pregnancy symptoms, types of pregnancy, pregnancy clothing, breastfeeding, pregnancy gifts, and care for the newborn baby.

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