At Jamie's Home Day Care (JHDC), Located in Wheeling, Il you will find a large variety of toys for infant to school age. The toys consist of blocks, puzzles, board games, and dolls, dress up clothes, truck, trains, cars, dinosaurs, busy bead table, musical toys, computerized educational learning toys, letter, shape and color toys and many other toys.
During the day the children have plenty of free time to play that allows them to build their imagination, social skills and explore the world around them. The below routine is done daily with the children who are ready to begin with a more structure routine. The child/children who are not ready can play or are taking their nap except for story time.
At JHDC included in our daily routine is:
Circle Time
Calendar Time-discussing the days of the week, today's date, tomorrow's date and yesterday's date.
Weather Time
Story Time- I may read a story that relates to that days topic and/or the children can pick out a book they choose from the book box.
Craft Time- a variety of different activities.
Depending on the ability of the child, or when the child reaches the age 3, I will begin using the Pre School curriculum I subscribe to, Mother Goose Time and Brite-Start Learning Program (for ages 3 and up). I will introduce the children to crayons, washable markers, washable paints, and of course, all of the children's favorite, Play-Doh, modeling foan, kinetic sand.
At JHDC, I have a very flexible schedule during the day except for mealtime and naptime unless the child is less then a year and they are not on a set schedule. I am a member of the Illinois Child Care Food Program. All meals are nutritionally balanced. I will serve breakfast (for children arriving prior to 8:00 a.m.), lunch, and a morning and afternoon snack. All children are encouraged to eat their meal/snack. Children who choose not to eat at mealtime will not be served additional food until the next meal/snack time. The parent must provide breast milk or formula, and baby food until the child starts table food. Children on special diets may be required to provide their own food. Please let me know of your child's likes/dislikes or allergies and I will do my best to accommodate them. My Behavior Management & Discipline Policy*
Discipline is achieved through love, consistency, and firmness. The children are explained the rules of the daycare frequently so that they learn the guidelines. Once a child understands the rules and disobeys them, hurts others or property, the first step will be to try positive reinforcement or redirection. If that is unsuccessful some quiet time will be used following the one minute/year of age guideline (i.e. a 3 year old would have a 3 minute quiet time). If behavior continues to be an issue and is upsetting or dangerous to others, a conference will be scheduled with the parents. If the problems cannot be resolved, arrangements will have to be made for the child to go elsewhere for care. My Illness Policy*
Please keep all sick children with more than the common cold at home. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or more, diarrhea, or vomiting, chronic cough needs to stay home. A child must be fever free (without the use of a fever reducer) for more than 24 hours before returning. If your child has an undiagnosed rash he/she will need to stay home until a doctor confirms he/she is not contagious. Any other illness that requires antibiotics (ear aches, strep throat, conjunctivitis/pink eye, etc.) may return after the doctor confirms he/she is no longer contagious. If your child has a chronic cough/ runny nose, etc. you need to give your child over the counter medicine to help control it. This will help prevent the spread of the germs to the other children. I will administer medicine after you fill out a state required medicine form. If a contagious illness develops, please inform me so I may notify the other parents. If your child becomes ill during the day, you will be expected to pick up your child as soon as possible. If my children or I become ill I will let you know right away so you can make other arrangements. Each parent is responsible for having alternate childcare. My Enrollment Policy*
The following forms are required by the State of Illinois and must be completed prior to placement: 1. Child Enrollment/Application Form 2. Illinois Department of Health Medical Form 3. Emergency Medical Form 4. Medication Administration Forms, if applicable. (Any non-prescription medication, including diaper ointments and sunscreen) 5. JHDC contract
I will not hold your child's position until I have received a signed contract, the above required forms, and cash payment for the first week. This fee is non-refundable if enrollment is cancelled. If a spot needs to be held for an extended time, a cash deposit will be required.
I am always open to suggestions and feel communication is a very important part of this business. If there are any problems or concerns, I encourage you to talk to me about it. If a lengthy conference is needed, a time that is convenient to both of can be scheduled, other than my day care hours. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and to be a part of your child's life. |